TRACE-RICE exposed at Tuttofood

The TRACE-RICE project is exposed at the Milan Tuttofood fair, highlighting its objectives and the expected impacts. Under the mission of "tracing rice and valorizing side streams along mediterranean blockchain", TRACE RICE offers an innovative solution to fraud and safety challenges focusing on natural, healthy and tasteful rice-based foods by applying new technologies for product traceability. lt will do so with an integrated full chain approach (from farm to fork), for raw rice and ready-to-eat rice, which will enhance the competitiveness of SMEs operating in the rice sector. The Project is focused on providing the Mediterranean rice industry with: highly-efficientand affordable analytical and digital technologies that will facilitate fast traceability and authenticity control of rice varieties; new nutritional and healthy tasty rice-based foods and high added-value products based on an interdisciplinary integrated chain-wide and circular economy approach. This will be achieved in 4 main pilot activities and 3 market replication cases, starting the technological developments at prototype scale (TRL3-5) and will move to validation/production stages (TRL7-8).


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