TRACE-RICE Coordinator delivered an oral session about the latest results

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On July 24th and 25th, the TRACE-RICE project was presented at the "International Conference on Sustainable Foods - Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals" in Bragança, Portugal ( This conference focuses on disseminating knowledge about innovative processes and the development of sustainable food products.

The ICFS also emphasizes PRIMA initiatives related to...

TRACE-RICE honored with "Best Student Poster Communication Award"

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At the "International Conference on Sustainable Foods - Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals" (, held in Bragança, Portugal, on July 24th and 25th, the TRACE-RICE team, especially Inês Sousa, was honored with the Best Student Poster Communication Award, presented by ReadyToPub. The awarded poster, titled "Estimating Hidden Infestations in Rice by Measuring Carbon...


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IATA presented a poster titled "UNLOCKING RICE BRAN’S POTENTIAL: ENZYMATIC BREAKTHROUGH" at the IFT FIRST Annual Event & Expo, which took place in Chicago from July 14-17, 2024. This poster presentation was a joint effort by Eva Grau, Raquel Garzón, Dolores Rodrigo, and Cristina M. Rosell. This presentation weas well-received and provided excellent visibility for our ongoing research.

Exploring Rice Bran's Potential

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Last June, IATA presented an oral presentation titled "Exploring Rice Bran's Potential: Enhancing Techno-Functional Properties Through Enzymatic Treatment" at the 21st European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop (EYCSTW) held in Lisbon. This work was presented by Eva Grau and was a collaborative effort between Eva Grau, Dolores Rodrigo, Raquel Garzón, and Cristina M. Rosell. The...

TRACE-RICE project at "Ciência 2024"

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The TRACE-RICE project showcased two poster presentations at "Ciência 2024" (, held at Alfândega do Porto from July 3 to 5. Organized by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, "Ciência 2024" is an annual gathering focusing on science, technology, and innovation in Portugal. This year theme, "+Science for One Health and Global Well-being," facilitated thorough...

Mission to Portugal by the University of Alexandria

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Mission to Portugal (April 15-19, 2024) led by Professors Abdel-Wahab Shalaby Kassem and Abdalla Mossed Zeineldin, representing the University of Alexandria in TRACE-RICE

Day 1:

Their visit to the campus of Oeiras, housing three TRACE-RICE partners (INIAV, ITQB NOVA, iBET), commenced with an extensive tour of the technology and innovation unit at INIAV. They explored various food science and...

Participation in the 2nd International Trainee Symposium in Agri-Food, Nutrition, and Health

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The TRACE-RICE project was virtually presented in January 25-26, 2024 at the 2nd International Trainee Symposium in Agri-Food, Nutrition, and Health, organized by the University of Manitoba, Canada, where three concise oral presentations were delivered:

  1. Investigating the Impact of Washing and Household Cooking on Residual Pesticide Levels in Long Grain Rice
  2. Exploring Innovative Strategies for...

Expanding TRACE-RICE Initiatives Among Egyptian Stakeholders

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The mission of the TRACE-RICE coordinator to Egypt was multifaceted, with a primary objective of both visiting and replicating project results for stakeholders within the rice value chain. Including a pivotal visit to the Alexandria University Agricultural Experimental Station, spanning 200 ha and situated 11 km east of the faculty campus in Abbes, facilitated by the vice Dean Dr. Heba Salama...


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Mission to Egypt (January 8-11, 2024) led by Carla Brites, TRACE-RICE coordinator, organized by Professor Abdel Wahab of Alexandria University.

At the University of Alexandria, Carla Brites visited the Faculty of Agriculture, engaging with Dean Professor Mohammad Bahieldeen and Vice Deans. She explored the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems, meeting the head, Professor...