Two TRACE-RICE posters were presented
The TRACE-RICE project was presented last 23rd to the 26th of October at XVI Encontro de Química dos Alimentos in the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. The congress was focused on ‘Innovation on food sustainability, safety and quality’ and brought together more than a hundred of stakeholders to discuss recent and emerging issues, namely bioactive compounds, omics in food analysis, food authenticity, mycotoxins, residues of pesticides and chemometrics.
Two posters with TRACE-RICE results were presented:
Comparison of two HPLC methods with derivatization to assess γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) contents in brown rice flours and rice bran’
‘State of art of no-conventional treatments to control insect infestations in rice storage’
The event provided a great exchange of experiences and a useful network for the project development.