PRIMA projects and the Mediterranean Agro-Food value chains

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The seminar "New advances from PRIMA projects for improving Mediterranean Agro-Food value chains" is organized by INIAV in the scope of the TRACE-RICE project in collaboration with APH (Portuguese Association of Horticulture). The event will take place on March 18-19 at INIAV – Oeiras – Portugal

The program includes five thematic sessions:

i)  Authenticity & traceability digital...

TRACE-RICE presented in the 7th Cairo international exhibition of innovation

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TRACE-RICE was presented in the 7th Cairo international exhibition of innovation by University of Alexandria team. This event took place from the 13th to the 15th February of 2023 in Cairo. The Cairo International exhibition brought together scientists, inventors, startups, and funding organizations from around the world to showcase and share their experiences, innovations, ideas, as well as the...

TRACE-RICE is hiring a Senior Technician

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It is made public that, by Order of the Rector of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Professor João Sáàgua, issued on 20th January 2023, a call is open to hire a Senior Technician, under a contract for an uncertain term in accordance with the “Regulation on the careers, recruitment and employment contracts of non-teaching and non-research staff under the employment contract regime of Universidade Nova...

Internship at the INIAV within the TRACE-RICE activities

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Internship at the INIAV laboratories within the TRACE-RICE activities and in the scope of "Summer with Science 2022" FCT programme supported by GREEN-IT research unit

Margarida Bação, who has a degree in Biochemistry from the University of Lisbon, carried out an training program in rice quality evaluation parameters. This training was also framed on the development of innovative...

New article on insect infestation management

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Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a staple food for about half of the world’s population. Therefore, it is important to search for solutions that minimise losses and production costs for producers and ensure food quality and safety for consumers. Improved methods for the detection and monitoring of hidden infestations are useful for adopting infestation control measures. Chemical methods are used to...

New article on design thinking for food

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Portugal is the greatest European rice consumer. Thus, incorporating whole rice and rice bran in innovative rice products is challenging. An experimental method based on the creativity association theory was applied. A group of nine students performed simple brainstorming to generate recipe ideas. Following the Design Thinking approach, a group of nine chefs received a stimulus to generate words...

New article on antimicrobial activity

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IATA-CSIC has published an article related to our TRACE-RICE project, with the title "Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of grape extract against Bacillus cereus in rice".

The antimicrobial potential of grape extract was assessed in cooked rice against Bacillus cereus. Grape extract efficacy was tested at 1, 5 and 10 mL/L, at pH 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5; and at incubation...

Improving Mediterranean Agro-Food Value Chains

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As part of the TRACE-RICE Communication & Dissemination plan activities, INIAV in collaboration with APH (Portuguese Horticulture Association) will organize the seminar ‘New advances from PRIMA projects for improving Mediterranean Agro-Food value chains’ jointed with the next General Assembly (GA) meeting at 18-19 May 2023 in Oeiras (20 km from Lisbon), Portugal.

Please save the date.


IATA-CSIC presented a poster in Equador

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A poster under the title "Optimización del desgrasado del arroz" was presented by IATA-CSIC at the VIII Congreso Ecuatoriano de ingenieria en Alimentos, organized by the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, held from November 30th to December 2nd in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The work was carried out by Eva Grau, Raquel Garzón, Dolores Rodrigo and Cristina M. Rosell.